AIM 2012:RoboTech

RoboTech 2012:
RoboTech is a workshop organized by the team AIR under the DEPARTMENT OF Electronics Engineering,Omnipresent Robot Technologies and Team GATIK at the Delhi Technological University(DTU),designed to fundamentally train students in basic skills of "Robotics","Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning".The main aim of this workshop is to introduce these subjects to the students and hence encouraging them to work in these fields which are advancing at a unprecedented rate and seems to be a future hope of the Mankind.

What is ROBOTECH 2012?

RoboTech is workshop entirely based on teaching fundamental "Theory on Robotics,AI and Machine Learning" and applying it inform of "Practicals".The Concept of RoboTech is very "Hands-On" means you will be taught theory and simultaneously would be building your own "Robot".

The Aim RoboTech is to make students very comfortable in making a Robot on their own.More over to achieve the above mentioned we will strictly restrict to "Open Source" domain of hardware and software so that later in future you can yourself built a Robot in any Open Source Domain available to you.

Who will take the workshop lectures?Course Content ?

Omnipresent Robot Technologies Pvt.Ltd one of the pioneers in Robotic Industries which in its past years of work has created Robots like "Unmanned Ground Vehicle ANGAD" ,"Unmanned Aerial Vehicle GARUN","Cleaning Robot ROBOBAI","Diagnosis Robot NADI-N" any many more,has established its name in the robotic industries of India and U.S.The main Teaching part of RoboTech Workshop will be carried out by Omnipresent Group.The Key Speaker of RoboTech will be Mr.Aakash Sinha CEO and founder of Omnipresent Robot Technology.Mr.Aakash Sinha is alumni of DTU and did his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from DTU(formerly known as DCE).He then went to US to study Robotics form the Robotics Institute of  CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY(CMU) which is one of the top robotics institute of in WORLD.Mr.Aakash Sinha a well know robotics scientist has made robots and worked with  the India Defense(DRDO),Lockheed-Martin,US Defense(DARPA),and many more,He won the finalist medal at the prestigious US Defense DARPA Robotics Grand Challenge and outstanding employee award at iRobot Corp. As Technical Head at iRobot his team delivered over 3000 pack bot robots to US Army.Mr Aakash Sinha will be teaching along one or more associate's from his company.

The contents of the course are depicted in the following image.

We have also introduced a special section where in a exhibition will be organized,where for the students we will bring in the different ROBOTS built by Omnipresent Robot Technologies in LIVE ACTION.TEAM GATIK has been invited who will exhibit their own made HUMANOID Robot.Hope fully this will enhance the interest of students in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.Here are some of the Robot created by our organizers......

What will you achieve by participating in ROBOTECH 2012?

After the Workshop is complete each Participant will receive a letter of acknowledgement informing the successful completion of course duly signed by THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF DTU Prof.P.B Sharma and CEO of Omnipresent Robot Technology Mr.Aakash Sinha.

After the workshop Team AIR will organize the competition for workshop attending students,testing them on their skills of building a robot they have learned in the workshop.The winners will be will be given prizes and also be inducted in the team AIR,preparing and leading them to make intelligence machine in future, participating in world events etc.

In addition,top designer students will also receive a special REFERENCE LETTERS from Omnipresent Robot Technologies and will also been given a chance to do a INTERNSHIP AT Omnipresent Robot Technologies. 

ALL member of ROBOTECH 2012 will be mentored and guided free of cost on subject of AI, ROBOTICS and MACHINE LEARNING for one complete YEAR on the website of TEAM AIR managed by Omnipresent Robot Tech and Team AIR.


To Register for RoboTech 2012 you would have to fill up the registration form upload HERE.

ALL THE OTHER INFORMATION LIKE VENUE,CLASS TIMINGS,GROUP Information,WILL BE PROVIDED TO YOU after the registration is done on your mobile phone numbers.In case you have filled your form incorrectly,you should send me a email of the correct information on me email only if you have filled your Mobile number incorrectly,otherwise do not mind)

Registration Deadline is 15th JAN 2012.

FOR RECENT INFORMATION and UPDATES on ROBOTECH 2012 you should continuously visit THIS BLOG. 


1)20th JAN 2012-Inauguration and Orientation of RoboTech 

20th of January will be the opening of RoboTech 2012.We call it Orientation phase.In Orientation,we will inaugurate RoboTech 2012 followed by a speech by Vice-Chancellor of DTU Prof. P.B Sharma,speech by Prof. R.K Sinha head of department(HOD) applied physics and speech by CEO Omnipresent Robot Technologies Mr. Aakash Sinha.We will also have a Guest Lecture by senior scientist from DRDO ,DST,prominent business leaders from FICCI and IC2 University(USA),(The names of the guest will be issued on the main page during the first week of December),followed by some basic lectures on SOFTWARE and HARDWARE needed for this Workshop.We strongly recommend the first,second years students and students new to Hardware and Software,to participate for the basic lectures as it may help them during the workshop in both Hardware and Software section.

2)21st-22nd JAN 2012-Teaching and Design Phase.

The Date for the WORKSHOP are proposed to be between 21st-22nd JAN 2012.The Closing and Certificate Distribution is proposed to be on 22nd JAN 2012.The Timing for the Workshop will be Published only in the second week of JAN 2012.It would be sent through SMS to the registered students only.Students will be divided into groups depending upon which year they are in.First and Second Year Students will be clubbed into GROUP-1.Third and Fourth Year Students will be clubbed into GROUP-2.M-Tech,PhD,Faculty will be clubbed into GROUP-3.
Migration from one group to other is possible only for GROUP-2 and GROUP-3 people,which would depend upon the persons current knowledge upon ROBOTICS,AI,MACHINE LEARNING ,HARDWARE and SOFTWARE.Students from GROUP-1 will be MIGRATED TO OTHER GROUP ONLY IN SPECIAL CASE(please Contact Suryansh Saxena(09999082770).THE PACE OF COURSE and ADVANCEMENT OF THE COURSE WILL VARY IN EACH GROUP SLIGHTLY. THE DATES OF WORKSHOP FOR EACH GROUP WILL BE THE SAME.

The Dates for the ROBOTECH COMPETITION are proposed to be on 29-30th JAN 2012.Students list selected for team AIR will be posted on 30th JAN 2012.


Kits for building the Robots will be sponsored by Omnipresent Robot Technologies.These Kits are designed so that student find it easy to use.We only expect Students to carry their own laptops during the workshop as most of the work of building the Robot will be done through the laptop.However if the students do not have a laptop some provision will be made but these students must inform us before hand.After the workshops students can also buy these Kits from us at half the market prices.However no basic knowledge on AI, Machine Learning ,Robotics,Software and Hardware is pre-required and we intend teaching those in ROBOTECH 2012. 

Who are the Organizers and Sponsors?

RoboTech has been organized by TEAM AIR under the department of Electronic Engineering(DTU),Omnipresent Robot Technologies and Team GATIK.The Main sponsors of RoboTech are Federation of Indian Chambers Commerce and Industries(FICCI),Omnipresent Robot Technologies and Delhi Technological University(DTU).The media sponsors are

For information on RoboTech you can also visit

I hope you have a wonderful time at RoboTech and harness fullest of your potential in Robotics,AI and Machine Learning.

Suryansh Saxena